Christian Living

Spiritual Life

The Missing Piece

missing piece
Author Biography

    Andrew leads The 700 Club show staff, and also serves as a Co-Host for the 700 Club Interactive TV program. He loves to spend time with his wife and three children.

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It was a few weeks before Christmas Eve, when my wife, children, and I began placing our family’s manger scene in the den. We unwrapped the fragile figurines from their box: wise men, shepherds, Mary, Joseph, and various animals. Yet the most important person, baby Jesus, was nowhere to be found. We searched through crumpled piles of newspaper, crates marked, “Christmas,” and corners of the attic. The centerpiece of the wonder and miracle of Christmas, Jesus, was missing!

In my discouragement, it gave me pause to consider, “Is Jesus missing from my heart at Christmas?” Is He nowhere to be found as I busy myself with distractions of the season? Buying presents, decorating the front of our home with lights, the inside with stockings, and running to parties. These are appropriate activities for the Christmas season, yet all are insignificant compared to reflecting on Jesus entering our world to rescue us with the love of God.  

Not only do we focus on distractions during the holiday season, for some Christmas is far from “comfort and joy.” As families gather, there is often tension in strained relationships. For others, financial stress means children will not receive presents under the tree. The reality is, many people feel sadness during the holidays, as they reflect upon precious family they have lost over the years.

If we lose sight of Jesus, if He is “missing” from our Christmas, the cares of this world will overwhelm us, and His birth will become an afterthought on Christmas morning, instead of being of utmost importance. The wise men joyfully worshipped and presented Jesus with gifts. The shepherds spread the good news they had seen. Mary, simply and profoundly, “treasured these things and pondered them in her heart” (Luke 2:19 NIV)

To this day, I have not found the baby Jesus figure. We have other manger scenes displayed containing all the pieces—most importantly, Jesus. Each time I look inside that manger without Jesus at the center, it causes me to ask myself, “Is Jesus missing from my heart this Christmas?” It’s a powerful reminder of who it is we celebrate. If, like me, you’ve realized you often lose sight of celebrating Immanuel… “God with us” (Matthew 1:23), do not feel condemnation. In fact, rejoice that our heavenly Father is bringing you a gift this Christmas! As if His very Son was not enough those many centuries ago, the Lord is now stirring your heart with renewed appreciation for the majesty of Jesus, and you’re ready to receive His love with greater humility and wonder. Jesus still stands at the door and knocks (Revelation 3:20). He is doing that today, drawing you ever closer. What a beautiful gift for us to receive.   


Scripture is quoted from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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