700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

No Pain Since Healing Prayer

John Martin - 700 Club Producer

Almost every night for 15 years, it was the same routine for Dennis.

“I'd be sound asleep and I'd wake up and the leg would just really be paining me. Most of the time it would be the upper part of the leg that bothered me. It was to the point where I was almost sitting on the side of the bed with tears coming out of my eyes. “

Eventually, over the counter pain meds helped him get back to sleep. During the day, the pain wasn’t as intense, but it often flared up. Especially in his job for the last two years, spending the day driving elderly people to and from doctor appointments.

“It would have a tendency to irritate it and cause pain. I would say, ‘Do you want to sotop and maybe get a coffee or something?’ And it would give me an opportunity to get out and sort of walk it off a bit and then uh get back in the car and keep on driving.”

In 2015, a doctor told Dennis the pain was caused by minor arthritis. But there wasn’t much they could do about it.

“Physicians will say, ‘Well, we really don’t want to do anything because if we operated on it, the arthritis could come back even more than what it was before and cause you more problems. So I basically lived with it.”

Through the years, Dennis and his wife Sharleen often prayed for healing.

“When there's no other answer for it you have no other option but to go to God with it. There were times that she would come in and pray for me and pray over me, but it was just a persistent thing.”

They also prayed for others while watching The 700 Club.

“I've always had a heart to pray for people. It's lovely to hear that people are being healed, and it's fascinating because it's happening on TV.”

Then, in Oct. 2019, the couple were watching the program, and Pat and Terry started to pray.

Pat said, “Somebody’s got a problem with your leg. There’s been a wound of some kind, and right now, rub your hand over that leg in the Name of Jesus it is completely healed.”

Dennis remembers, “When he said ‘There's a man there with pain in the leg,’ that caught my attention. And then when he said, ‘God's going to heal it,’ I knew it was me. I just jumped out of the chair and I said, ‘Charlene, I believe that's me.’ And it was me. Because I've never experienced it again. After all that time period and all that pain and everything else, God is good.”

Since that day, Dennis hasn’t experienced any pain in his leg and no longer needs pain killers by his bedside – grateful to finally get a good nights rest! He and Sharleen are excited for the future, knowing they serve a living, loving God.

“I appreciated all the things that he's done and I appreciate all the things he's going to do. And it's not for me, it's for him. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. And that's how I live.”

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