The Surprising Appeal of Fifty Shades of Grey
If you haven’t heard of the erotic romance novel turned into a movie, you’ve not listened or watched much news lately or been in conversation with those around you. The media hype for this movie has been over the top.
I heard a CNN reporter talk about the movie Fifty Shades of Grey like she was promoting a Disney family movie. The reporter was giddy with approval (not sure how that was journalism) and telling me to take my husband or boyfriend to see the movie, but leave dad at home.
I couldn’t wrap my brain around the idea of taking someone I love to see a movie with graphic nudity, the objectification of women and bondage sex scenes. Yet, the movie made $93 million in its first weekend at the box office despite its poor review.
Why is this? The obvious answer is the sex. Yes, sex does sell, as does pornography. But I believe there is more to this story than just sex.
Now, let me be upfront. I openly admit I haven’t read the books and I won’t see the movie. I am not recommending it.
But one review caught my eye and gave some explanation as to why this movie may be so popular. This, I believe, is important for Christians to think about.
Something more than sex may be drawing people to the story. In a recent post, Life Site blogger Kirsten Anderson gets to the heart of what is attracting so many women.
Anderson writes, “Forget the porn for a minute; forget the abuse. In Fifty Shades, we have a story that has touched the hearts of millions of women, and underneath its filthy exterior, at its core, it’s about unconditional love and redemption.”
And after a thoughtful analysis, Anderson challenges Christians with this important point:
“… this is our story. If a hundred million people will shell out for a counterfeit paperback version of a love we live every day, we should see that not just as an attack, but an opportunity. Love is our story. Let’s tell it better.”
I couldn’t agree more. Love is our story and we need to tell it better. Because true unconditional love and redemption has changed us!