700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

His Salary Multiplied Five Times

Amy Reid - 700 Club Producer

Kent and Lynelle have three kids and a busy household.

“Throughout our marriage we've been so blessed. We've not been in a position of need, you know,” Lynelle explains, “We've always had all of our needs met plus some.”

The Soellners say the secret to their success is giving.

“We realized over the years it's just better to give,” says Lynelle. “Give it to God and we know that we're going to be blessed and be taken care of.”

Kent works in the grain business, buying and selling commodities.  

“I grew up on a farm, so I grew up with a love for agriculture. When I was starting on my job search, I came across the grain business and saw that there was a need for finance,” Kent explains, “And so with my background in agriculture it led me down that road and it's been quite a blessing.”

He and Lynelle say tithing has been a priority since they married in 2003.

“Since we've been committed givers, I mean, we've just seen nothing but an increase in income,” says Kent.

In 2006, while they were tithing regularly, Kent was challenged to tithe off his gross income.

“It planted the seed and God took that as an opportunity to speak into me a bit,” says Kent. “Once we changed our heart to tithing off of gross, God just started to bless us even more.”

Kent saw steady increases in his salary and was promoted at his job. As their income grew, the Soellners increased their giving. Five years later, Kent says God gave him a new challenge—to put a cap on their income and give the rest away.

“From that point on, we've done that to where, you know, we tithe our amount every year, but if we have blessings that are flowing in, that it's above and beyond a certain income level, we'll just look to give it away to whatever God has for us at that time,” Kent explains.

The Soellners say they don’t worry about the future. Since they started giving, Kent’s salary has multiplied five times.

“Even with where it's capped, it's more than we need,” he explains. “It's just been humbling how much we've been blessed financially.”

In 2016, they became CBN partners.

“It gives you a very warm feeling knowing that your finances are going to something that has great kingdom impact,” Kent says.

“When we give our money to CBN,” Lynelle says, “We know that it's going to all these places that we might never get to, whether it's building a well or helping with some of the disaster relief.”

“When they get into the prayer time and just what the Holy Spirit is putting on their hearts and just what's speaking through them, it's just so powerful,” Kent adds. “Those things really resonate with me.”

The Soellners want others to know the peace they have found in giving.

“The Lord gave me a picture of what tithing looks like physically,” Lynelle explains, ‘“He says, ‘when you hang on tightly to it it's like grasping onto water, and if you do that, the water's just going to all trickle eventually right out through your fingertips, and in the process, it's stressful and you're tense.’ he says, ‘but if you would just relax and open up your hand, it naturally becomes a posture of both giving and receiving, and you'll see that there's always water left.’ And we just release it to him and allow him to pour into us and lead us to pour out onto others.’”

Kent and Lynelle are certain: if you are obedient, God keeps his promises.

"If you look at God for your first investment, it's the best return on investment you'll ever have," Kent says.

“Just try tithing and you'd be amazed, Lynelle advises. ‘“God says, ‘Test me in this and I will open the flood gates.’ and so he'll do what he says, he's a God of his word.”’

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