God's Timeless Promises

Have you ever wondered about your ancestry—about who you are, where you came from, who your family was?
Or how about the future? Do you wonder who your kids will be or even wonder about your future generations?
I find the first chapter of 1 Chronicles amazing because it starts with a lineage. When we look at this and other lineages in Scripture, we find the line from Adam all the way to Jesus. I love this because it reminds me that God is outside of time. God knew who would be involved and how it would all play out. And Revelation 13:8 calls Jesus “the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (KJV). It was already done before Adam ate the fruit.
God knows my ancestors and all those who will come after me. He knows all that has and will happen.
Recently, the Holy Spirit has been leading me to look at all His promises in Scripture. I felt Him say that everything He’s already promised … is already—that since He is outside of time, time has no constraints on Him. Therefore, His promises to us are already here.
Promise is translated from the Greek word epaggelia (pronounced ep-ang-el-ee’-ah) and can also be translated as “an announcement.” It can also be a legal term for promise. I like to think of it as a guarantee. When we have a promise from God, we can bank on it. He’s already done it. We can begin rejoicing even before we see it.
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)
Did you catch that? With thanksgiving! We can rejoice knowing it is done. We have peace because we know it is done.
My son’s apartment burned down recently. Why do I mention this? Because a week before, I was looking at the wooden stairs he and his family used to get to their apartment. The thought hit me, “If there were a fire, those stairs would burn fast!” I immediately prayed, “God if there is ever a fire here, please get them out before the fire can get to the stairs.” That was it. A short prayer that I knew my God heard. When the fire happened, my son and 10-month-old grandson were home. My son saw the wall of flames from his patio doors. He grabbed the baby and ran into the stairwell. There was no fire or even smoke in that breezeway—they got out just in time! I believe the Holy Spirit was the one who prompted me to pray and prompted him to see the flames. Praise God, they are fine!
We see in 1 Chronicles that God protected the lineage that would lead to Jesus. And He is protecting us as well. I know He protected my lineage from a fire. We can believe His Word—God is trustworthy and good.
Prayer: Father, forgive us for when we have doubted You. Help us know Your promises and trust that they are guarantees that we can count on and rejoice in! Thank you, Lord! In Jesus' name, amen!
Scripture is quoted from the Holy Bible, King James Version, available in public domain.
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