Orphaned by a Bullet
CBN.com -- Eric and his sister needed a place to stay after their mother was accidentally killed, so their Aunt Alma decided to take care of them.
"If I had been the one who had died, I am sure my sister would have taken in my children," Alma says.
Times have been tough for Alma. She’s a single mother raising her own two children. Her greatest challenge after taking in her sisters kids was to make enough money to provide food for everyone.
"Sometimes, I only had a little juice or a piece of bread for them to take to school," she explains through her tears. "God knows how I tried my best to give them everything I could. Although it’s been hard, we have become a big family."
When Operation Blessing learned what Alma was doing for Eric and his sister, the team came up with a plan to help. First, Alma was enrolled in sewing classes taught by Operation Blessing to train her how to sew and run a small business. Then, she was surprised with her own sewing machine! With that machine and a little start-up money, Alma began making a profit.
"Now that I have my new machine and the business, I make the clothing and I carry them to stores in the community where I sell them," Alma says.
Alma's clothes have been in high demand at the stores, and orders have been non-stop.
Meanwhile for Eric and his sister, life with their new family has gotten better. Alma is now able to provide food for all of them, and is giving them hope for the future.
"Thanks Operation Blessing," says Alma.
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