An Overflow of Blessings
Greg Gargus is the founder of Prochem Scientific and a committed family-man. As Greg’s widowed mother got older and needed more medical attention, that meant more responsibility on Greg and his wife, Karen.
She says, “I respect him because he took that full-on commitment. You know, he was involved in every part of his mom's care.”
He ultimately had to let go of all of his contracts but one to tend to his mom, leaving many questions about their financial future.
“We learned to live on a significantly reduced income, and it was gradually sliding down,” Greg declares.
Karen shares one of her questions, “Do we have what we're going to need to maintain our life once we were both retired?”
“So. we ended up cutting out a lot of unnecessary items from our monthly budget,” Greg says.
Still, they never stopped tithing.
Karen explains, “Being faithful to the Lord, we just – that's too risky to stop tithing. That's part of our lives.”
Greg says, “The giving continued because I wanted to alert God to the fact that we had needs. I'm committed to this family matter, and I was seeking Him diligently in the meantime.”
After Greg’s mother passed in late 2018, he gradually began working on ideas to get his business rolling again. Then the pandemic hit.
“I had about a close to $20,000-a-year loss that was occurring for the first time ever,” Greg shares.
However, the couple continued to tithe and pray for God to intervene.
“I needed His guidance. I needed direction,” Greg admits.
Finally, Greg got a new contract and knew exactly what he wanted to do with the first payment—start giving to CBN again.
Greg passionately proclaims, “I took what was in my hand, that $500, and I took the entire thing and planted it and sowed it into Operation Blessing.”
“Operation Blessing does so much for people in need,” explains Karen. “Pandemic, tornadoes, hurricanes, natural disasters, Operation Blessing is there. And it's usually one of the first ones on scene.”
(To find out why Greg is so committed to giving to CBN and Operation Blessing and to learn which Scriptures he's uncovered to lead to financial blessings, please visit: )
So, Karen sent the check, along with this letter from Greg:
“To celebrate what the Lord has done in opening a door, I plan to send my first month's pay of $500 to Operation Blessing to help CBN minister to the needing and hurting,” Greg reads.
Within two weeks, business and income picked up even more.
“It was a miracle because the phones were dead. And all of a sudden, he was hearing from clients,” says Karen.
Greg expounds, “I was working from sundown to sunset. It was just like a dam broke, and it was just a burst! I don’t want it to stop. Every month since then, I've just been taking that $500 consulting check and just plowing it right back into CBN.”
Greg and Karen encourage others to give, too.
“When you give to CBN, you know your money is going to go to promote the kingdom of God,” Karen explains.
“Even though the matters of your own circumstances may be very difficult, don't hold back,” Greg concludes. “From Proverbs 28:27, ‘Give to the poor, and you won't lack.’"