700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Hollywood Teacher Shares His Success Principle

Michelle Wilson - 700 Club Producer
Sharon Dhinakaran - 700 Club Producer

For the past 40 years, Jack Stern has been working as a tutor for child actors in film and television - a career that has landed him in major Hollywood studios and film sets all over the world.

He says, “I worked on a lot of Disney shows.  So I worked on Sweet Life and taught Zach and Cody. I was on Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman for eight years.”

For Jack, giving consistently was key to getting steady work. That was especially important when he became a single father of four after he and his wife divorced.

He says, “The salary was really generous.  So we didn't have to worry about money.”

Jack has worked on 200 films and TV shows over the years. Even in this unstable industry, he’s always had work - and he knows why.

“The tithing that I've decided to do many years ago was blessed and that it seemed like I could never give too much,” says Jack.

Jack made the decision to tithe in his twenties after reading a verse in Malachi about giving to God. "If this is true, I'm going to make a covenant with God, you know, I'm going to test God. I would get a job and – for the exact same amount of money that I wrote a check for.  It was like the Lord gave it back to me."

In addition to giving tithe, Jack also gives to CBN. He likes watching CBN on the Internet to keep up with what we are doing around the world.

Jack says, “I notice that CBN has a lot of ministries and they were involved in helping people in crises, if there was an earthquake or, you know, some type of a hurricane, tornadoes, they were there on the scene, you know?”

Jack believes his giving has opened up the doors for many blessings in his life. “God is faith and he wants to prove himself to be faithful to you.”

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