Christian Living

Spiritual Life

What Is Going to Happen to Satan?

Several things will happen to Satan. The Bible says that he comes to earth, knowing that he has a short time (see Revelation 12:12). Because he knows that his days are short, he will be filled with wrath. We are going to see manifestations of Satan in this world that will be frightening to those who do not know Jesus. We have already seen some hideous manifestations of demonic power.

For example, I think that Adolf Hitler was demon possessed and that the terrible crimes he committed against humanity were satanic manifestations. I also believe that Karl Marx was a satanist priest and that his hideous philosophy, which has resulted in the massacre of tens of millions of people, is clearly based on satanism. The persecutions of innocent people in the gulags of the Soviet Union and other Communist countries are manifestations of supernatural inhumanity. In the future we may see a flood of evil that will attempt to destroy all human witness to God on earth.

Another thing that will happen to Satan is that he will possess a human being who is known as "the beast," or "the Anti-christ," who will become a worldwide dictator.

This individual will exercise power in the name of Satan for at least three-and-a-half years (see Revelation 13:4-8). There will be an attempt to set up a satanic kingdom on earth, with all manner of lying signs and wonders to back up the authority of the Antichrist. Finally, the people will be told to worship this creature. At that point, there will be a revolt against God and an attempt to destroy Israel. But when this happens, Jesus Christ will come back to earth and destroy the Antichrist. The devil will then be bound for one thousand years (see Revelation 20:1-3).

During that time, we will have a period of peace on earth. Men will no longer be under demonic oppression. It will be a time of love, brotherhood, and no more war; even the animals will be at peace. But at the end of this time, after man has seen the paradise that results when God's will is done on earth, the devil will be set free one final time. He will lead one final assault on God. But he will lose, and he will be cast into a lake of fire. He and his angels will be there for the rest of eternity with no possibility of escape. (see Revelation 20:7-10).

Excerpt taken from Answers to 200 of Life's Most Probing Questions, Copyright 1984 by Pat Robertson. 

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