Where Did Man Come From?
The Bible tells us that God Himself is man's Creator. God said, "Let Us make man in Our image" (Genesis 1:26, KJV). This meant that He was going to create a spiritual being, for God is a spirit; that He would create a moral being, because God is a moral being; and that He would create a rational being--someone who had a mind and could think. That much we know. Just how the human body, for example, or the human brain images God, we do not yet know.
The Bible tells us that God took a handful of dust (which speaks of the earth), and He breathed life into it (which speaks of spirit), and "man became a living soul (nephesh)" (Genesis 2:7, KJV). Thus, the merger of the spiritual with the physical elements of the earth created a human soul, made in the image of God.
Man is therefore the only creature we know of, other than the angels themselves, who has the ability to relate to God and to worship Him. You do not find horses and cattle on their knees praying for wisdom and guidance! Yet man not only prays but builds churches and cathedrals in which to worship God. God gave that desire to man. We were made with the precious nature of God, in the image of God, by God Himself.
Excerpt taken from Answers to 200 of Life's Most Probing Questions, Copyright 1984 by Pat Robertson.