Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Identity in Christ

If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away. Behold the new has come! (2 Cor 5:17) Changed character and conduct are evidence of a new heart.

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Bible Teachings on Identity in Christ

These selected inspiring Bible verses remind us of God's relationship with us, his plans for us and his mighty power. God offers us the only true way...

Your identity in Christ says you are loved unconditionally, forgiven, God's child, enough and you have eternal life.

Questions about Identity in Christ

We were made with the precious nature of God, in the image of God, by God Himself.

The Bible teaches that all people are beloved by God and that they all have an equal chance, but the chance lasts only during this lifetime.

God rarely answers our questions of “Why?” but he is more than willing to answer three other questions.

We usually define success in terms of money, power, influence—and being envied, of course. This is not the view of the Bible.

The words born again have been repeated so often that we forget their meaning. When Jesus first told Nicodemus (a very wise and religious man, by the...

All Questions on Identity in Christ

Devotionals about Identity in Christ

Every time I ventured out to feed my little herd of kitties, I’d get ambushed by a mob of bellowing hungry balls of fur. 

Which reward means more to you, the approval of man or the approval of your Heavenly Father?

Our God is an all-consuming fire: a consuming fire, a refiner's fire, a fire at the sacrificial altar, a fire in the wilderness leading the...

Day 27: More Than Wishful Thinking

Day 36: Renewing Your Mind

All Devotionals on Identity in Christ

Videos about Identity in Christ

In her new book, “The Jesus I Know,” Kathie Lee Gifford sits down with celebrities from all fields to discuss who Jesus is to them.

Two-time Master’s champion, Bubba Watson shares how he’s learned to balance career, family, and faith in his new book, “Up and Down.”

Highly decorated Paralympian Jessica Long accomplishes everything she set out to do, but her joy is incomplete until she surrenders her life to Jesus...

In his book, “Zero Victim,” James E Ward brings the love of God and a positive narrative as lasting solutions to a divided society.

As one of the babies bought and sold by Dr. Thomas Hicks from his Georgia clinic, Jane Blasio always wanted to know the truth about her adoption....

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Articles on Identity in Christ

If we believe that we are made in God’s image, that of a multi-faceted God, then our differences display His majesty and glory all the more.

God illuminates darkness so we can see, and then equips us to be shining lights to help others out of their darkness. ~Kathy Carlton Willis

Light and Dark: A Devotional Study on Light

Darkness helps us see our need for light—to see our need for Jesus.

Dr. Robert Jeffress on what we can learn about contentment from Paul.

Saint Patrick chose to reject “victim-hood” and self-centeredness. Instead, he embraced the way of the Cross, carrying on the redemptive mission of...

Our security comes from God’s unconditional love despite our unloveliness and sinfulness.

All Articles on Identity in Christ
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