Super Tuesday Preview


So what can we expect during tonight’s big Super Tuesday Primary Day?  Watch some Brody File video analysis below.

Here are a couple things we’ll be watching:

How many states will Donald Trump win and what will be the margin? He’s expected to win most of them except Texas and he may run into problems in Arkansas (potentially) but other than that it should be smooth sailing.

Will Ted Cruz win Texas but even if he does will it matter? In other words, Cruz has banked on Super Tuesday being a banner day for him. If it’s not, then Texas may give him a sliver of hope but it’s not the way he envisioned this day months ago.

Can Marco Rubio win any state on Super Tuesday? It doesn’t appear that he will. Maybe Arkansas, maybe Virginia but those are both stretches. If he doesn’t win anything, he won’t get out of the race but instead he’ll fight to the death in his home state of Florida in two weeks.

The evangelical vote: we’ll be watching the totals. Trump very well could roll up big evangelical numbers in the Deep South.  That would be another body blow to Cruz.

Plenty of analysis to come tonight on Twitter. Follow me @TheBrodyFile


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