Christian Living


Time to Transition

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As I coach my clients and answer questions for my columns, one of the most popular themes is how to make a decision that could lead to a major life transition. It seems many of our lives are continually in transition. Whether you recently started or left a new job, moved to a new residence or city, began or ended a relationship, lost a loved one or welcomed a new loved one into your family, the ability to handle change is a key to enjoying high quality of life. How can you learn to embrace change and transition rather than struggle with it? Consider these "Five Keys for Making a Smooth Transition."

1. Be Fearless. Don't let fear keep you on the verge of transition. When your intuition tells you it's time to make a move, MOVE! Countless opportunities are lost because people waited too long to step out on faith.

2. Go with the Flow. Major life transitions often take place only after a great deal of thought and deliberation. If your plans don't go exactly as you imagined, be flexible and go with the flow. It often leads to better waters.

3. Face Forward. Remember that the future is ahead of you, not behind you. Those whose heads are looking back cannot see the opportunities that lie at their feet. What opportunity does your transition offer?

4. Live in the moment. Enjoy every moment of an exciting transition - a new job, a new school, a new baby, a new home, a new marriage. Don't allow side issues or stress to steal the joy of a cherished turning point in your life.

5. Be Open to Learning Something New. When you transition from your comfort zone, the process can seem intimidating. Embrace the opportunity to learn new things and explore new options. Sooner or later, you'll learn what you need to learn to succeed.

My challenge to you this week:
Notice the turning point that is occurring in your life right now. Make a decision to go with the flow rather than resist the tides of change.

Journaling assignment:
What are you most afraid of about your transition? What could you do to reduce your fear? What options or learning opportunities does this transition offer that you need to take advantage of?

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