Christian Living

Spiritual Life


Heaven is God's dwelling place and our final destination. Jesus promised to prepare a place for Christians in Heaven - a place with no more tears, heartache, or pain.

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Bible Teachings on Heaven

As we turn to God in faith, He pours life-giving water into our parched hearts ... and miracles happen!

Bible verses about death, death of a loved one, death of a child, and God's promises for us about death and grief.

None of us knows when we’re going to die. But it’s a fact that we will die.

Bible verses about plagues, pestilence, and God's promises for us.

Questions about Heaven

The problem is that just because you’re a good person doesn’t give you a ticket to heaven.

No matter how good you are; no matter how religious you are; no matter what you do for God, you can never be good enough, or holy enough to earn your...

God's plan for the triumph of love over hate is breathtaking.

Heaven is where God is. He is the light of heaven, the joy of heaven. As you mature in your understanding of the Bible, you realize there is no...

Without the Christmas story and the birth of Jesus, there would be no opportunity for us to go to Heaven.

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Devotionals about Heaven

Jesus tells us that marriage will not exist in heaven. While it may be difficult to imagine a world without marriage, it is reassuring to know that...

The Pharisees were asking Jesus when the Kingdom of God would come. In Luke 17, Jesus tells them that it is already among them. It's His presence....

Every part of our day is dictated by our choices and decisions: what we eat, how we live, our family life, our career. The most important, however,...

Do you have an active imagination? Have you ever wondered what heaven would be like? Whether confronted with magery in the face of grief or reading...

A visit to Europe might seem incomplete without a trip to at least one castle. As a man with a fond interest in all things medieval since childhood,...

All Devotionals on Heaven

Videos about Heaven

What Does God Let Bad Things Happen?

How Can I Survive This?

All Videos on Heaven

Articles on Heaven

Answer these five questions objectively to take the first step in making evangelism a priority.

Why giving up His only Son was the only way to deal with the problem of sin.

Would you want to spend all eternity in a heaven where evil and sin were allowed?

In our human-centered understanding, we try to make up other avenues to get to heaven.

In his latest book, People I Met at the Gates of Heaven: Who is Going to Be There Because of You, author Don Piper continues his exploration of...

All Articles on Heaven
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