Christian Living

Spiritual Life


“For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard” (Romans 3:23 NLT). Redemption allows us to be free from guilt and have eternal life.

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Bible Teachings on Redemption

Before Christ came 2,000 years ago, many people did not know of the hope of a coming savior. 

"Self-improvement" and "self-help" are popular concepts today. They would have been totally meaningless to the authors of the Bible. They made no...

Are there any sinners around any more? People are dysfunctional or not in touch with themselves or negative or uptight or immature or even in need of...

Nicodemus asked Jesus, "How can a man be born when he is old?"You must be born again." The religious leader who heard these words first spoken 2,000...

Questions about Redemption

Mankind was in bondage to the curse of the law, which is death. Under this analogy, the death of Jesus was the "ransom" needed to set us free from...

The one true church is the universal body of believers everywhere who have given their hearts to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. That is the only...

One of the most significant periods of the church calendar, and least celebrated or noted, is the 40 days after Jesus rose from the dead.

God does not send people to hell because they never heard of Christ. He sends people to hell because they have sinned.

God saw to it that people recorded the story of His intricately woven plan to reestablish relationship with mankind in general and with every...

Devotionals about Redemption

The best way to understand the real meaning of Easter would be from Jesus. It can be summed up in His three words ... the new covenant. It's easy to...

Did you know that in the time of Jesus, the Sunday before Passover was “lamb selection day?” It was the day that Jewish families would come to the...

Everyone experiences rejection at some point in their lives, whether in childhood or adulthood, and the experiences can vary greatly. However, even...

Back in the Old Testament, a blood sacrifice was required for the forgiveness of sins, and only priests could enter God’s Most Holy Place. But Jesus’...

Have you ever felt that your sin, or someone else's, is too deep to be forgiven? For as long as this author can remember, the wonderful teachings and...

All Devotionals on Redemption

Videos about Redemption

Will God Come Through For Me?

Indigenous Remembrance Day

Does Prayer Have Power

All Videos on Redemption

Articles on Redemption

The empty cross is a Christian

Resurrection is Christ’s Peace Offering

Jesus paid the price on the cross and resurrected so that we might have peace.

Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God, was born into the world to redeem us and heal our broken stories.

Why giving up His only Son was the only way to deal with the problem of sin.

Would you want to spend all eternity in a heaven where evil and sin were allowed?

Drown out guilt’s haunting melody with Jesus’ message of love and forgiveness.

All Articles on Redemption
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