Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Success

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Devotionals on Success

Relationships? Success in business or in family? The accumulation of stuff? Even when you get that raise or that new car, all of these things fall...

When God calls you to something, He is fully aware of your circumstances, limitations, strengths, and age. But He chose you for it, He called you by...

Just like the Israelites, how do so many Christians get stuck in the wilderness or even on the edge of their promised land? A sad place to...

Our worldly belongings will not be going with us when our time here is over. The Apostle Paul wrote, “For those who live according to the flesh set...

We cannot judge what we speak merely by the words themselves, but by the spiritual wisdom from which the words are spoken. James uses some pretty...

What we think about has a powerful influence on our attitudes and worldviews. We hear about this a lot in motivational talks and sermons, but...

It's easy to get caught up with to-do lists, social activities, and work. And at times, because of this, we can get stuck in the cycle of busyness...

The enemy thought he got the win when he manipulated Adam and Eve into sin and caused the downfall of mankind. So many times, circumstances and...

Have you felt pressure to reach new goals, meet certain objectives or simply be a better person with God? Although there are probably success...

Have you ever tried making homemade bread, or really any baking for that matter? Important steps and ingredients are required to make the baked item...


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