Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Worship

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Devotionals on Worship

Are you struggling in certain areas, and you find your praise and worship life has gone... stale? There is always a way for us to freshen up how we...

What would you do if you looked up and Jesus was standing there in the flesh? Jesus has forgiven us of so much. Have we forgotten? Let us all take a...

The ritual sacrifices of the Old Testament served a purpose but are no long necessary. Christ’s death is sufficient every day to cover over our...

Choosing to follow Jesus and be His disciple is a never-ending journey of becoming less like the world and more like Christ. But in our society today...

Do you have an active imagination? Have you ever wondered what heaven would be like? Whether confronted with magery in the face of grief or reading...

Leading a congregation in worship, this singer found herself suddenly and completely without a voice. She panicked, desperate for a way out, unsure...

As Christ lives in us, He expresses Himself through us; and one of the ways He does this is through these spiritual gifts. Paul reveals in 1...

We hear a crack as the bat makes contact with the baseball. The fans in the stands erupt in cheers as the ball soars over the wall and the player...

No matter our language barriers, cultural differences, or geographic boundaries, tears of joy and of sorrow can be understood across the diverse...

As Jesus laid it all down on the Cross, our true act of worship is giving ourselves to God in love and adoration. Like an athlete, we compete on a...


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