Christian Living

Spiritual Life


God wants to help people step away from the darkness of depression toward a life filled with peace and hope. 

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Bible Teachings on Depression

Relying on our own strength rather than upon God and His Word cultivates anxiety.

Though the world pushes frustration, sin, and hopelessness at you – there is inspiration to live and know what is to come is eternity. God is...

Whatever the cause, depression often leads to a sense of hopelessness. You may feel as though your life is out of control. You may think that ending...

Almost everyone at one time or another experiences a period of sadness. Most people get over it with a little time. But for some people, the sadness...

Questions about Depression

Grief and love are two very similar emotions -- if you're capable of love, you are capable of grief.

You can't undo the past, but you can change the present and future with the Lord's help.

I’ve asked God to forgive me of my sins. So why do I still feel guilty?

Ever feel there’s no one on your side—that even God has turned his back to you? Have loneliness, frustration, and fear taken control of your thoughts...

Devotionals about Depression

Who do we surround ourselves with, and why? Do we give our trust to critical people who focus on who we have been, rather than who we are becoming?...

The Bible tells us to guard our hearts because our beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world around us flow from within them. The condition of...

Our patterns of handling difficult situations can strengthen us or cripple us emotionally and spiritually. This author tells of seeking the abundant...

All of us have moments when we feel discouraged by life’s circumstances. People may try to lighten our load or lift our spirits, but their efforts...

Are you in a silent season of life? Have you ever been trapped by circumstances and couldn’t understand why? Hopelessness keeps us from experiencing...

All Devotionals on Depression

Videos about Depression

World Mental Health Day

Can God Reach Anyone?

Restored and Renewed – Prayer for Canada’s Identity

All Videos on Depression

Articles on depression

A Note for Readers: This article is not intended to be medical advice, and we encourage readers who are struggling with significant emotional...

When you’re perpetually overwhelmed, if you don’t declare a finish line, your body will.

Unexpected consequences of social media are contributing to division and moral views in society.

When in the dark, look for the Light. -Kathy Carlton Willis

Light of the World: A Devotional Study on Light

Just as light dispels darkness, God’s presence brings peace and joy despite difficulties.

Doesn’t God care about our pain? What could we possibly learn from grief?

All Articles on Depression
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