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Articles on Christian life

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Articles on Christian life

If we believe that we are made in God’s image, that of a multi-faceted God, then our differences display His majesty and glory all the more.

From the streets of Chicago to a relationship with God, Preston Perry shares how God pursued and revealed the truth of the Bible to him. In his book...

Prayer is so much more than bowing our heads, closing our eyes, and speaking eloquently. Each of us can have a strong prayer life even if we don’t...

Giving generously means loving generously, and the giving part doesn’t always refer to our financial gifts. Loving this way means giving more of...

In your new life in Christ, you’re actively surrendering your old desires so that you can experience the abundant life that Jesus has for you! The...

Gentleness is soothing, welcoming, and a sign of humility. We see the greatest example of this in Scripture from Jesus. In Matthew 11:28-29, Jesus...

Unearth the secret to living in alignment with God's will, allowing the Holy Spirit's power to produce godly traits in your life. If you seek to...

When the Holy Spirit transforms a person's life to carry out His goodness, it's not like the world's definition. It's deeper than that and doesn't...

So, what does kindness look like, as mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23? We all know what it feels like when someone is kind to us—they are compassionate...

As we work together in church or other groups, we get to use our individual gifts, talents, and treasures. We all serve different purposes in God’s...


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