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Articles on Church

Former Foursquare church pastor Peter Illyn used to preach from a pulpit, but nowadays he takes the gospel outside to the great outdoors.

Official Christianity, of late years, has been having what is known as a bad press. We are constantly assured that the churches are empty because...

CBN News reporter Wendy Griffith recently covered the Episcopal National Convention where homosexual cleric, the Rev. Gene Robinson, was confirmed as...

J.R.R. Tolkien - The Lord of the Rings: Spiritual Life in God

Mark Earley of Prison Fellowship: As the senior pastor and founder of New York’s largest evangelical church, A. R. Bernard told the Times, 'When...

Sexual misconduct toward children in the church is not new, but attitudes and perspectives about child molesters have changed and absolutely must...

Pagans blamed the downfall of Rome, and other calamities as well, on Christianity. This prompted a reply by a North African bishop that shaped the...

Recently, Rick Warren sat down with Ministry ToolBox editor Jon Walker to discuss basic Purpose Driven philosophies and how they will influence...

A New Definition of 'Pastoral Care'

Too many Pastors suffer from burnout or burn up. Throughout the land these ministers of God labor under a load that bears down on them while they ask...


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