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Articles on Church

While John Newton is best-known as the author of the famous hymn, "Amazing Grace," his life teemed with spiritual fruit. A new biography on his life...

Official Christianity, of late years, has been having what is known as a bad press. We are constantly assured that the churches are empty because...

Flames of Revival: Cain Ridge

The gloom began to lift in April 2005 when the church hosted a time of public repentance led by retired Florida pastor and author Peter Lord. During...

Seeker sensitive doesnt mean you compromise the message. It means you take into consideration peoples culture in order to communicate that message.

Combining an experts knowledge with a no-nonsense approach, author Elwood McQuaid brings North American Christians a sobering but thought provoking...

Rick Warren: I believe one of the reasons so few churches engage in outreach is because they ask the wrong question. Too often, the first question...

What we need are visionaries who have the audacity to take God at His Word, to believe that ‘those who the Son sets free are free indeed’, and who...

The whole improbable series of events began in 1212 when a twelve year old shepherd boy, Stephen of Cloyes, brought a letter to King Philip of France...

Dr. Bill Hamon believes that God is changing our perspective in the 21st century from seeing the church as a building with four walls to the church...


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