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Articles on Holy spirit

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Articles on Holy spirit

When your thoughts are so loud they forget to use their inside voice, choose to meditate on God

I Will Meditate: A Study of the “I Wills” of the Psalms

Biblical meditation helps you rest at night and delight in the day.

Move from feeling pressured to feeling privileged to share the truth about Jesus Christ.

Truth has consequences, but it also has comfort. ~Kathy Carlton Willis

So Help Me God: A Devotional Study on Truth

Truth teaches us to love in full.

Three ways to recognize when we haven't yet forgiven.

The way provides the method to get to God. The truth provides the answers to be with God. The life gives us a reason to come to God. Kathy Carlton Willis

Let God Be True

The pursuit of truth is a path prompted by the Spirit, provided by Jesus, promised by the Father.

Truth is saying what you mean, not being mean about what you say. -Kathy Carlton Willis

In the Light of Truth

Life as we know it changes when we come to truth.

God uses prayer to change us, and then God uses us to change our world.

Jesus is the great de-escalator, and he’s calling you and me to that more excellent way.

God always keeps His promises, even when we fall short.

Mai, a single mom in Thailand with a 1-year-old child was grateful for her job in a garment factory. But the pandemic took it away. Soon, it came...


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