Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Articles on Holy spirit

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Articles on Holy spirit

When I need a little help, I need a lot of the Spirit operating in my life!

God Helps the Helpless

God delivers help to those in need and aids the downtrodden.

We are a world divided by a multiplicity of ideas, values, beliefs, preferences, dreams, and expectations. And yet God calls us to live in unity.

Prayer through Scripture reorients our prayers so the focus is God, not us.

Author Matthew Barnett is the co-founder of the Dream Center in Los Angeles, California. In his book One Small Step: The Life-Changing...

Just as the beauty of creation reveals God’s glory, walking in wisdom also proclaims His praise.

To function well in kingdom terms, we seek and follow the Holy Spirit’s leading rather than function on our own.

The material world is only a part of reality; angels and demons are very real and active; and God really does do supernatural works in our midst.

When we’re physically thirsty, we run to find water (or another drinkable liquid!). During times of spiritual dryness, we need to run to the ever-...

Are your thoughts condemning and accusing? That is not the voice of our gentle Shepherd.


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