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Articles on Jesus

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Articles on Jesus

More and more these days, people are associating Christianity with a political movement. This is a complicated and controversial issue.

Why giving up His only Son was the only way to deal with the problem of sin.

Would you want to spend all eternity in a heaven where evil and sin were allowed?

When I need a little help, I need a lot of the Spirit operating in my life!

God Helps the Helpless

God delivers help to those in need and aids the downtrodden.

How do we get back those things the enemy steals from us? How do we restore and maintain our joy?

Christian martyrs are a testimony of faith and obedience not only to our visible world but especially to the spiritual one.

We are a world divided by a multiplicity of ideas, values, beliefs, preferences, dreams, and expectations. And yet God calls us to live in unity.

Live in victory rooted in Christ, no longer paralyzed by fear.

Does God wait for me to stop struggling before he rescues me?

Help Is on the Way!

One way God helps us is to rescue us from our troubles.

woman wearing a face mask with thumbs up gesture

Let Jesus Be Your Small Group in this Pandemic

This is a special time. Never before in our lifetimes have we needed to shut countries down and stay home to reduce the chances of spreading a...


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