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Articles on Life Transformation

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Articles on Life Transformation

Three ways to recognize when we haven't yet forgiven.

Addiction demands to be our master. Jesus offers to be our master. One takes, the other gives.

The Hidden Blessing of Your Addictive Past

Former addicts have a distinct benefit to help them develop a dynamic relationship with God.

We don't have to have it all together to serve God. We just need this...

right and wrong arrows - relapse concept

Three Keys to Prevent Relapse

Urges WILL come! You must plan to protect yourself. 

Most point to John 11:35, "Jesus wept," as the shortest verse in the Bible. A different verse is shorter in the original Greek language.


Never Give Up on Beating Your Addiction

Our testimonies encourage others in their journey to overcome addiction.

We need a balanced diet of Scripture just as our bodies require a variety of foods to live and thrive; here’s a tool to help.

The Life Recovery Bible

Recovery Help from the Bible

The HOLY BIBLE reveals a recovery plan and the power source to accomplish it.

woman wearing a face mask with thumbs up gesture

Let Jesus Be Your Small Group in this Pandemic

This is a special time. Never before in our lifetimes have we needed to shut countries down and stay home to reduce the chances of spreading a...

Death is not a popular topic of conversation. It can be unsettling for most people. However, there are many examples in nature when death makes it...


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