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Articles on thanksgiving

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Articles on thanksgiving

Friends can come alongside grievers in practical ways during the holidays.

Gratefulness when activated leads to thankfulness. ~Kathy Carlton Willis

I Will Thank: A Study on the “I Wills” of the Psalms

Thankfulness is more about the heart than about the situation.

Have an attitude of gospel gratitude on Thanksgiving and every day of the year.

The text of President Abraham Lincoln's Thanksgiving Day Proclamation is presented that establishes Thanksgiving as a national annual holiday.


The True Meaning of Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving, enjoy the meal, watch the parade and football, but remember to truly give thanks. If you need a little help, here are a few verses...

Family celebrating Thanksgiving

Create a Family Thanksgiving Story

Traditions help pass on important family values and bring a sense of security and predictability to children. So, this Thanksgiving, consider adding...

Give thanks to God in all circumstances, even in suffering.

Family traditions at Thanksgiving, playing football

The Importance of Building Family Thanksgiving Traditions

Have you ever considered adding a new tradition to your Thanksgiving?

Jesus is the reason we have a cornucopia of blessings and gratitude

Thanksgiving—Jesus Appreciation Day

Each name of Jesus reveals more about him. Come and see.

After a tree fell on Caitlin, it took a miracle to save her. Now, she and her family are thankful for how God sustained them.


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