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Articles on thanksgiving

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Articles on thanksgiving

Sharing the most important message you've ever received with someone you care about never needs to become an argument.

Just as the beauty of creation reveals God’s glory, walking in wisdom also proclaims His praise.

Pastor and author Adam Mabry challenges you to embrace the art of rest. Starting today, find five minutes between everything on your calendar to...


Seek the Kingdom

When I’m not sure what’s important, I can go to the Lord’s Prayer and figure it out.

Balance relevance and holiness while enjoying any holiday.


Holidays and Drinking: Too Much Cheer?

Holiday celebrations can stir recovering alcoholics to drop their guard and have a drink. Planning ahead helps prevent relapse.

Nothing will ever replace the emptiness in my heart for my child. However, these steps help me enjoy holiday activity and focus on their...


Thankful for What?

Thankfulness is a word we often use to describe our feelings about what we have. But, how thankful can you be if you have nothing?


Taking Care of You During the Holidays

Don't let stress get the best of you. Take care of yourself, so you can at least enjoy the holiday season.

The time between Thanksgiving and New Years causes people to feel really good or really bad without much room in the middle. 


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