Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Anger

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Devotionals on Anger

Are you seeking to overcome offense and embrace forgiveness? Just as the disciples in John 6, we risk missing out on blessings when easily offended....

Have you ever wanted the Lord to punish someone who mistreated you? Or perhaps experienced road rage?

God invites us to come to Him for His wisdom in difficult situations with others.

Why do you think Jesus touched and healed the servant's ear severed by Peter's sword when the high priest came to arrest Jesus?

Whatever you do, don't let your dire situation present a stumbling block to your belief in Jesus Christ.

We are encouraged to be patient and enjoy the Lord's refreshing presence — He is faithful to supply it.

How can we avoid being yanked into a battle of words and egos?

As ambassadors of Christ, we are called to spread the sweet fragrance of Christ everywhere we go. Are you acting as a sweet-smelling fragrance today...

When a wound is made upon the soul, the scar must be dealt with.

The farther we are from Jesus, the more control we desire.


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