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Devotionals on Bible

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Devotionals on Bible

Our Creator wants us to know that we aren't just an accident, but a unique design of His handiwork.

Jesus Christ died, yes. But even more importantly, He rose again and is now seated at the right hand of God the Father.

Jesus doesn't want us to panic. Just have faith.

As humorous as April fool’s jestings can be, the Bible has some fairly strong words to say about fools.

Know who you are and whose you are.

The battle between faith and doubt takes place in your mind. We must fight to put unbelief to death.

God sees our grief and repentance.

As a Jew writing to a Jewish audience, Matthew naturally opened his book with a genealogy.

It does no good to be impatient with God.

I sang many hymn lyrics about the blood of Jesus but never knew why His blood being shed was so important.


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