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Devotionals on Bible

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Devotionals on Bible

To fully fathom the love Jesus has for us on Good Friday, is it possible to contemplate His crucifixion from His perspective?

Whole generations can be altered in some way by what we know and what we do with what we know.

We like to think we can remember details without having to write them down. If we are honest, we know better than that.

God chose to love us before any of us loved Him. Love is a deliberate action.

Get to know the One who is truly perfect and become more like Him.

We are tested in many ways as our lives play out. God has a purpose for it.

If we find our resources inadequate in life’s battles, we’re not fully depending on God.

Whenever we hear God speaking of Himself in the Bible as ‘God Almighty’, we are hearing the Hebrew name El Shaddai.

Why be like Obed-Edom? His choices and his life led to blessings for himself and his family. Let us, together, learn who he was and about his life.

Will we be among the wise who seek Jesus this year?


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