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Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Experiencing God

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Devotionals on Experiencing God

The Lord gives each of us special gifts. How is He calling you to use them? Remember, God does not ask us about our ability or disability — but our...

Look into the night sky with wonder and awe as you ponder God's faithfulness to His chosen people throughout the ages.

When we follow the LORD our God wholeheartedly, our faith can move mountains.

Whole generations can be altered in some way by what we know and what we do with what we know.

Is your measure of worth too tied up with how productive you are? Can you be content if you are no longer able to contribute?

Born and raised in a Pygmy tribe, deep in the South American rain forest, Yume had little chance of hearing about Jesus.

How can we fix an ache in our hearts that won’t go away?

Doesn’t the Lord promise to take care of things in our life when we just give it to Him?

God and darkness are not normally paired together.

Even before they can focus, newborns look toward faces.


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