Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Fasting

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Devotionals on Fasting

We expect to hear from God when we're in church, participating in community prayer or worship services. But what are our expectations of our morning...

Day 11: The Table

Day 12: Reflections

What could Queen Esther and Muhammed Ali possibly have in common?

How to prepare for a fast with your heart, mind and soul.

What stands in the way of putting God first in your life?

Our motivation for fasting and observing Lent matters.

I expected the Lord to make my life a bed of roses and when that didn't happen, I got mad!

Heartbroken over the ruin of Jerusalem, Nehemiah passionately prays for his country, confesses his and the people's sins, and asks for God's...

Lent begins a time when many Christians prepare to celebrate Christ's victory over sin and death, by reflecting on our own sins which pierced Him. We...

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