Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on God

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Devotionals on God

What I feared the most might happen, happened.

When a red jelly stain appeared on the sofa, John’s wife lined up the children to find the culprit.

God never intended prayer to be complicated, so what are you waiting for?

Can God really erase, delete, and wipeout the sins I have committed?

We try many things the world offers and can't find satisfaction because God has linked us to a much higher realm.

Sometimes crises come one atop the other and it feels like more than we can handle. Thankfully, we don't have to navigate life's challenges alone....

If we don't properly deal and heal from a deep gash in our spirit, all our actions and relationships are impacted.

Enduring love holds on through hardship and refuses to give in. That's the magnificent kind of love God has for us.

God’s goal is to bring us to a right relationship with Him, no matter what it takes.

Sometimes God's love for us is a mystery to me. I know my inadequacies and shortcomings. I also know that God loves me in spite of them.


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