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Devotionals on Government

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Devotionals on Government

This Thanksgiving, give a nod to our forbearers whose grateful hearts made this all possible.

Christians are instructed to live 'not as those with no hope.' None of us can escape physical death, but we can choose to live in eternal life...

The things we humans have done and made seem so great to us—and in our perspective they are.

You'll be surprised by jabs Thomas Jefferson and John Adams spoke in their rivalry for the 1800 American presidency.

Recalling the good that is in America can inspire us to do our part. 

Americans of all ages look to our flag with pride. Another set of stars and stripes constitutes our yearly celebration of independence as well.

Stimulus bills have pumped trillions into the USA's economy, but even the government does not have unlimited resources.

Even though the doctor's words should have brought devastation, Dave was filled with a quiet assurance.

There is fear in boldly sharing our faith; in proclaiming unashamed we serve a living God.

Repent America! Though our Nation mocks God, believers in God must seek His face, humble ourselves, and pray.


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