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Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Government

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Devotionals on Government

What was once sacred is now reviled. What was once reviled is now celebrated.

God listens to our silent prayers, but He also longs to hear our voices raised to the heavens, demanding justice for the oppressed and assistance for...

When God becomes part of the equation, the basic one plus one does not equal two after all. 

Many people sail through life without giving a thought to their Creator—until they face a serious problem they feel unable to handle on their own.

A special prayer for all the men and women serving in the military to insure our freedom.

The Great Judge of the universe is about to lower His gavel and bring forth this mandate: “There will be… ORDER IN THE COURT!”

If we want to honor our veterans, we might do better than simply offer the customary clichés of gratitude and congratulations.

The bottom line is, GOD IS THE BOTTOM LINE. Whatever He says, you can count on Him to do it. You can take it to the bank.


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