Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Grace

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Devotionals on Grace

Behind the lives of all these men and women in Jesus' family tree, we see grief, but they made it ... and so can you.

Have you ever experienced the heartache of betrayal—the loneliness of rejection? If you've ever had a hurt heart, you know how precious the pursuit...

In the days of Noah when God looked upon the earth, He saw a planet filled with corrupt people who were all about self - much like today, right?

Does someone you love need Jesus? At the appointed time, he’ll meet them where they are. He has the words of life, and he keeps his appointments.

Honestly, I don't believe I had ever experienced the three R's - rest, refreshment, and relaxation, until I set out on this particular journey.

We can all learn a thing or two about God's grace; baseball offers some insight.

We know that the Bible offers the solution to guilt. It is forgiveness. But, does the Bible offer a solution to shame?

When a red jelly stain appeared on the sofa, John’s wife lined up the children to find the culprit.

Have you ever tried to do the right things but got blind-sided from someone else’s agenda? Have you ever been unjustly accused? If so, you are in...

What astounds me most is the fact that the God of the universe, creator of heaven and earth, subjected himself to the limitations of human...


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