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Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Holy spirit

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Devotionals on Holy spirit

I was taught growing up that joy came from having your priorities straight: Jesus, Others, then You (J.O.Y.) - this wasn't working out for me.

The burning bush is a picture of God Himself and of all born-again believers as they have both the Spirit of God and His inspired Word living inside...

Miracles just don’t happen without the activity of the Holy Spirit. It was true then for this amazing event and it’s true now.

We may have trouble focusing, sleeping, and enjoying intimacy with God or others because we are holding on to our worries. Releasing these to God...

Of all the things that could stop a move of God in your life, unbelief must be at the top of the list.

Almighty God chose the Holy Spirit to carry out His will. The Father is the planner, the Son is the revealer, and the Spirit is the distributor...

Back in the days of the early church, they too struggled with a notorious bewitching problem, one that the Apostle Paul felt the need to address.

Do you occasionally slip out of the presence of God and roam the neighborhood of the world on your own?

All of us could probably benefit by pushing the mute button on the remote control of our daily lives. 

As if we were carbonated Christians packed with pressurized-power, God is able to do more than we could imagine according to His power at work in us...


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