Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Holy spirit

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Devotionals on Holy spirit

So often we may fall into the trap of seeking the power of the Holy Spirit instead of first seeking a relationship with God. God wants to empower us...

Experience remarkable peace from the Holy Spirit when you worship the Lord in the midst of your difficulties. You'll feel His love like never before...

Every one of us carries an intrinsic question, coupled with a profound, instinctive desire to be fully reconciled with our Creator: What can I do to...

In your life, who is the Lord leading you to who is searching for Him? Whether through brief encounters or ongoing relationships, the Lord wants to...

Nobody wants to be a slave to anyone or anything. Praise God that slavery was outlawed in the United States more than 150 years ago. That's...

The Bible shares the account of a whole house full of believers who see and feel the power of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2. When we completely surrender...

How would you answer a question about your faith if persecution seemed imminent? Peter stumbled and denied Jesus three times. But thank God, we have...

Does God try to speak to you, and you don't take the time to listen? Be still and draw upon His wisdom and counsel at any time. At the beginning of...

God is consistently faithful in teaching us and reminding us of what He has spoken. Jesus sent His Spirit to ensure we were led into all truth and...

People may attempt to define you based on your past, but your heavenly Father doesn't categorize you in that manner. He understands you intimately...


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