Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Hope

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Devotionals on Hope

God is going to give back to the church all that Satan took.

The early church understood continuous prayer was necessary because spiritual warfare is continuous.

The greatest gift we can leave our children is a spiritual legacy unencumbered by the past.

There is nothing common or ordinary about a completely surrendered heart. When we place ourselves in the Master’s hands, the possibilities are truly...

Are you getting close to giving up on this Christianity thing? Are things not turning out as you have planned?

When large-scale trials hit, and everything we thought we knew is suddenly shaken, cynicism can slither into our hearts without our full awareness....

No one likes to hear about repentance. It means admitting guilt and doing things differently. But Jesus tells us to be quick to repent and turn to...

How often do we expect things to come a certain way? We expect the answers to our prayers to be easily identified. 

Even after his followers realized Jesus Christ was alive again, everything was different after the cross.

When the day comes and my chair is empty at the dinner table, what will my family say about my life?


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