Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Hope

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Devotionals on Hope

Even in the worst pain, I knew God's love and God's comfort. I could bear the pain because He was carrying me and my pain.

With what intense longing the morning light is often waited for. By the mariners in a shipwrecked vessel; by a benighted traveller in a dangerous...

This age-old question has kept millions at an arms-length away from their Creator. Why does human suffering occur and why does God not stop it?

We live in a world where the reader of a daily newspaper is given more knowledge in a week than a man living in the 18th century would have garnered...

You may be hoping for something or someone to come into your life to fulfill a need or desire. But just think, what if God has something in mind for...

The Apostle Paul states how God's creation, all his hills, mountains, seas, plains, meadows are eager for a new earth. The woodland animals, jungle...

Were it not for God’s promises, we might well despair. But, in His promises the living God has given and bound Himself to us. He calls us to wait on...

You need the light of Christ. No one living in darkness will ever find their way without it. Like the saying "there's a light at the end of the...

If you find yourself in a hard place this year, take heart. Trust God!


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