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Devotionals on Life Transformation

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Devotionals on Life Transformation

God guides us in unexpected ways beyond anything we can imagine. Our perceptions are not always God’s realities.

I asked myself, Do people love to be in my presence? I could not find a good answer. How about you?

I heard God’s voice in my heart ask me a four-word question that changed my life forever.

Don't ever stop praying for your loved ones, no matter how bleak life appears.

Training a horse is less about imposing your will on the animal and more about reaching an understanding so the animal will delight in serving its...

Sometimes the chains of regret weigh so heavy they seem unbreakable. 

You may feel like your heart simply can't get close to God no matter how sincerely you pray or read the Bible. 

Trust in God's desire to conform you to the image of his son, Jesus. 

How to stop sabotaging your own spiritual maturity process. 

Religion in and of itself, with its “good deeds and religious works,” also leads to empty promises.


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