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Devotionals on Life Transformation

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Devotionals on Life Transformation

In a world where many people may have misconceptions about Christianity, this devotion invites readers to reconsider the true message of Jesus. It...

If you've ever refrained from putting a Christian bumper sticker on your car because you fear you wouldn't live up to its message, you are not alone...

Many of us share a love for food and the pleasures it brings. Discovering your favorites may be harmful to your health provides the heartbeat of this...

This devotional isn't just a personal story; it's a candid look at human imperfection alongside biblical perspective and the transformative power...

No excuses for not knowing God! He's evident in everything around us. From the powerful to the gentle, creation reveals His character. Whether it's...

Trusting in God's faithfulness usually doesn't happen when you first begin believing in Him, His precious Son, and the Holy Spirit. Life's trials...

This author grew up going to church and following Jesus at the encouragement of her parents. But their faith wouldn’t carry her. She had to decide to...

Feeling overwhelmed by world events in these last days? God wants to fill you with fresh hope about what He is up to on the earth. This author used...

In this personal account of her early years as a Christian, Terry Meeuwsen, Co-host of The 700 Club shares her journey from skepticism to faith....

If you're grappling with your own pain and heartache, take solace in Job's experience and connect it to the suffering of Jesus in Isaiah 53 and the...


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