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Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Life transformation

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Devotionals on Life transformation

In Christ, we can have a heart of thanksgiving through every circumstance—even a flood.

The Lord's correction comes in the form of hardships we endure. Learning from them helps us develop right living.

The LORD Almighty offers to break the yoke of sin from our necks and tear off its bonds of slavery.

Do you feel that your sin is too deep to be forgiven? The apostle Paul's life provides a great example to answer this question.

Keeping our focus on God while we serve Him in any way gives us the joy to carry on.

God is no respecter of persons. He is a respecter of faith.

Everyone knows that making wise choices leads to a better life. Who better to shed some light on how to have wisdom than King Solomon?

My pastor often suggests that we take a look at our lives as believers to see how much we have grown in the Lord, or have we grown at all?

We may have expectations of what people should do and even what we should be, but when you encounter Jesus, and He radically changes you, you go from...

What questions do you have for God? Like Nicodemus, you never know what life changing revelation God may share with you.


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