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Devotionals on Life transformation

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Devotionals on Life transformation

We always have a friend who wishes to fix our broken spirit.

When you determine in your heart and mind to love God, you begin to unlock the promises of God found in Psalm 91.

To know God’s will for your life, treating it as a one-time event could create problems.

In God's house there are many vessels, some set out to bring honor and glory to God, others for base tasks. Yet, BOTH are in the house, meaning they...

Mom prayed for my angry Dad's salvation for 25 years, believing all the while her prayers would be answered.

Rarely would I pick up a hitchhiker these days, but I felt the leading of the Holy Spirit to offer him a ride. I pulled over.

Whereas the enemy has made us feel like there’s no way God could ever use or want us again, the opposite is actually true.

God gently prunes His children's lives to help them grow.

Saint Patrick’s Day began with an evil done to a child that God turned into good.

Born and raised in a Pygmy tribe, deep in the South American rain forest, Yume had little chance of hearing about Jesus.


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