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Devotionals on Life transformation

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Devotionals on Life transformation

Our minds and hearts can be so much like over-stuffed, messy closets. It is time to clean house and let everything go.

King Jehoshaphat’s prayer can guide our days of social distancing in a pandemic.

Obeying God leads to freedom, promotion, and overflowing blessings. 

As the drama unfolds, a maple seed shows us the secret of a transformed life.

Our God is very capable of bringing complete restoration in our lives just as He raised Lazarus from the dead.

People who know me now would have a hard time believing who I once was.

Throughout her rebellious years, two people never gave up on Sandy—her mother and Jesus.

Watch what God does, and then do it, like children who learn by watching their parents. Mostly what God does is love you.

Stake claim over those troublemaking areas in your life.

It may be an odd analogy, but Jesus compared believers to salt for a reason.


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