Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Love

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Devotionals on Love

Having more people than you do food presents an awkward problem. John 6:1-15 tells the story of Jesus feeding five thousand men, plus women and...

What would you do if you looked up and Jesus was standing there in the flesh? Jesus has forgiven us of so much. Have we forgotten? Let us all take a...

You choose the distance or closeness you will have with the Lord. He's as close as you want Him to be. With faith, comes the gift of intentionality....

Adoption is a beautiful thing and a powerful picture of who God is. In Ephesians, Paul tells us that adoption was not a Plan B. God actually had it...

Intentionality in a relationship shows that you care and love deeply enough to prioritize the person you love. But the most intentionality we'll ever...

Love is a central theme of God’s character. We read in John 3:16 that He loved the world so much that He sent his Son to die on our behalf so that we...

Do you find it difficult to love those who wrong you? Surely, we don't want to send the message that it's OK to betray us, do we? How does Jesus want...

What would cause God to be opposed to us? But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, “GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE PROUD, BUT GIVES GRACE TO THE...

Jesus felt compassion for others regardless of how his day went, and He desires we have that same compassion. He wants to turn our hearts of stone —...

In Matthew 22:37, Jesus spoke about how loving the Lord is the first and greatest commandment. In discussing loving God, it is so important to...


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