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Devotionals on Salvation

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Devotionals on Salvation

Adoption is a beautiful thing and a powerful picture of who God is. In Ephesians, Paul tells us that adoption was not a Plan B. God actually had it...

“… Isn't he the carpenter, the son of Mary? Aren't James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon his brothers? Don't his sisters still live here in our town?" The...

Every part of our day is dictated by our choices and decisions: what we eat, how we live, our family life, our career. The most important, however,...

This Christmas, I don’t have to be afraid—of anything. Can you say that today? Peace is something we all want, regardless of what our life looks like...

Children love getting presents any day of the year, but especially at Christmas. Read how this shy little 3-year-old girl got her important message...

One of my favorite prayers is with Christians for their unbelieving family members, neighbors, and friends. We all long for our loved ones to know...

Many don't think of church history when contemplating October 31. However, that day in 1517 marked a significant moment in church history with Martin...

While Peter may get most of the attention, what if Andrew had failed to bring his brother to the Lord? How different history might have been! Who was...

God seeks out each one of us, like a shepherd after a lost sheep, and welcomes us into the safety of his loving arms. The psalmist likened the...

As Jesus laid it all down on the Cross, our true act of worship is giving ourselves to God in love and adoration. Like an athlete, we compete on a...


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