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Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Spiritual Maturity

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Devotionals on Spiritual Maturity

The world offers an endless array of ways to be distracted: social media, hobbies, fitness routines, work performance, and goals. These things can be...

I’ve wondered why I fail to keep my eyes on my Master when I can start out so strongly connected to Him and then go about my days juggling...

Philippians 2:5 focuses on how Jesus Himself would behave in the world rather than just asking what He would do. He knew what His future held but He...

Jesus called His Father “Abba” as did the Apostle Paul. Among the many names of God, this one feels personal and endearing to me. We all come from...

As Christ lives in us, He expresses Himself through us; and one of the ways He does this is through these spiritual gifts. Paul reveals in 1...

My pastor often suggests that we take a look at our lives as believers to see how much we have grown in the Lord, or have we grown at all? Have our...

Imagine living such a godly life that the Creator of the Universe takes special notice of you! Job and Cornelius were two such men whose devotion got...

At times, I feel life is like an ocean. Some waves are pretty rough, then a few gentle waves; and then it seems the waves are trying to drown me....

Learn the true essence of Pentecost: a feast of fellowship with God. As fire consumed the sacrifices in ancient times, tongues of fire descended on...

We expect to hear from God when we're in church, participating in community prayer or worship services. But what are our expectations of our morning...


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