Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on miracles

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Devotionals on miracles

The truly satisfying aspect of ministry is the joy of seeing someone’s life changed through an encounter with Jesus.

We are tested in many ways as our lives play out. God has a purpose for it.

What could ever make it difficult to share how God gave you a life-saving miracle? This.

Our ordinary way of life can grow so comfortable we don’t see the signs we need the doctor.

When we are in hopeless situations because of bad decisions or rebellion, we must remember the truth about our good Father.

What inner turmoil we must conquer to serve our Lord wholeheartedly.

The Christian journey is filled with highs and lows. We follow Christ, not in order to hold onto the highs but to remain faithful always.

What we ingest spiritually matters to the health and development of our souls.

Throughout her rebellious years, two people never gave up on Sandy—her mother and Jesus.

Jesus doesn't want us to panic. Just have faith.


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