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Devotionals on miracles

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Devotionals on miracles

Linda felt an unexplainable urge to pray for her daughter for days in a row. Soon it was clear that the Holy Spirit was leading her from within to...

No matter what the enemy is yelling across the battlefield, our hope is in God. We will go forth in praise to meet our foe.

Our deliverance is promised to us. Our miracles are coming. We need to continue looking up to God for the answers, trusting Him for the end results.

Jesus responded to the man’s need without heaping unnecessary guilt on him. That is still where He meets us.

Miracles just don’t happen without the activity of the Holy Spirit. It was true then for this amazing event and it’s true now.

When God becomes part of the equation, the basic one plus one does not equal two after all. 

If a person survives a massive stroke, they learn a lot. My near death experience was very interesting.

Suddenly, I realized this child was a survivor, even though he had been underwater for at least 20 minutes. 

Who inspires us? Can it be the glimpses of God that we see in people or circumstances He uses to manifest His mighty love and power? Rest assured,...

The report we listen to is not the doctor's report, but the report of the Lord.


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